Tuesday, June 2, 2015

4-27-15 Exchanges, Packages, and Bed Rest!

Hey Y'all!
This week was not the most exciting week in the mission as far as fun stories... As far as anything that happened last week, we figured out that our apartment was foreclosed, so we'll probably be moving out of there soon, so that's kind of exciting and sad at the same time. We've got about two months left there.

So as of last night, I've had two dreams that I've gotten my visa, and needless to say, I don't have very prophetic dreams.... Haha, BUT since I've gotten here, Sister Jones (one of the Sister Training Leaders from my MTC zone who came to the Long Beach mission with us) has gotten her visa and she's going to leave for Curitiba Brazil on May 11!

Here in [Huntington Beach], Sister Saintonge and I have our first progressing investigator! It's so exciting to us because the work here is SO HARD! But our investigator, D***, is 13 years old and is kind of studying all types of religion. Some Elders found him and taught him The Restoration lesson and got him reading the Book of Mormon and got a return appointment, but he's in our area so we started teaching him! He is almost as Golden (ready for the Gospel) as an investigator could be! With the exception of a baptismal date, he has kept like, all of the commitments, came to ALL 3 HOURS of church PLUS a youth picnic at the Newport Beach temple! It was so cool, when we checked up on him afterwards, he said that it was great, he loved it, and that he was coming to mutual on Wednesday! (Did I mention he's pretty golden?) so we're going to keep working with him to try to get him baptized.

It's been a pretty good week considering that it's probably been the one with the least amount of work I've done. Sister Saintonge has been sick all week long, and so we've spent a considerable amount of time inside and not out as much as we could be. We've spent some time inside so she could try to nap and heal while I look through our area book and watch Bible Videos and the District and clean the apartment. However, we've been able to continue teaching and with my excellent knowledge of cold medicines (can you tell I'm joking? because I kind of am, even if it did a whole lot better than if she did that alone), we've been able to have her feeling better.

I felt like the most special missionary in the world when I got 3 whole packages this week! Nothing makes a missionary feel better and happier than getting a package! I always feel so loved when that happens!

We had my first mission exchange this week! That was pretty exciting! Sister Saintonge and I got to go and spend a day with the Sister Training Leaders and work in their area. That is pretty fun whenever you get to see how other missionaries work and how you can adapt their methods to your needs of your individual area. It's really a great experience to participate in!

If you're feeling down this week, put a little bit of Jesus in your heart! I know that he uplifts me whenever I feel like life is hard to handle. If you want a little bit of uplifting, go read a little bit about Jesus and strengthen your faith in Him! He can always make you feel better and happier!

I hope everyone is doing well and having a great week! I love all of you! Have a wonderful Monday and stay safe!

Sister Holly Denton

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." D&C 64:33
Made a new friend while we were out last week. This cat just came up and started meowing at us until we pet it and played with it, and then it just followed us around

Today I concluded that Albertsons makes really creepy truck ads.

Another beautiful Cali sunset

I left the apartment without my regular name tag, but luckily I have this pocket protector tag that I keep on my scriptures! Sister Saintonge didn't want to be seen with me with a tag like that, so she promptly took me back to the apartment to get my regular tag.

So I had a little fun with my marshmallow shooter and Sister Saintonge's hair

Sister Saintonge (my Canadian Companion) made me poutine this week! It's fries with gravy and cheese curds! It was pretty good!

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