Saturday, June 11, 2016

11-23-16 Contacts, Conference, and 9 MONTHS

So this week has been pretty unspectacular to be completely honest. With the new mission rule of 50 contacts per day, we have pretty much been hanging out at the train station each day to be able to catch the people going out to work. We go in the morning and in the late afternoon there in order to catch those people. During the other hours of the day we go out knocking on doors and teaching people about Jesus Christ. So that has been pretty fun. My work area is a little difficult at times because its an area where a lot of people live but they don't stay in their own houses during a good part of the day, and they come back around 9-9:30 when we're supposed to stay in our house as well, so that can be difficult at times. 

The city where I'm staying right now is Mauá, one of the farthest cities in my mission. The other sisters in YM zone and I are the last sisters in the mission geographically. If you go any father east or south in the mission, we only have Elders. As far as how the city is, it sits right next to lots of hills and mountains, and the whole rainshadow effect really makes a difference here. It's really rainy and cloudy most days, but it's all good. (At least it doesn't get too hot.) The members are great here. We almost never fall through with lunchtime, and if there is ever a problem, they give us the money to go and buy food to make lunch. There aren't very many members in my ward, but the few that we have are strong! There are 3 really great girls in the Young Women program and a handful of guys in the Young Men. All of the members are really helpful and supportive of the missionary work here! Basically I just really like the members here. 

We had a conference this week with the President of the Area here in Brazil, President Claudio R. M. Costa. He is REALLY great. All of the missionaries in the conference were laughing, crying, and in awe of the servant of God that we had the chance to get to know. He taught us a lot about different ways to do missionary work and how to help others. I really love each time I get to hear a general authority of the church, a direct servant of God, bear testimony of Jesus Christ. You can really tell that they are magnifying their calling and duty as a special testimony of Christ and that they truly have a profound love for the Savior. It is really touching and inspiring. 

In other news, I officially have 9 MONTHS on the mission. Wow. 9 months, 3 areas, 6 companions, and 2 missions. How cool is that? Haha!

Anyways I hope you all have a great week!
Love you all! 

Sister Holly Denton

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." D&C 64:33

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